Learn to Skydive
Accelerated Freefall Program
Earn your license and skydive in your own!
Skydive Chesapeake can provide all the necessary ground and freefall training needed for you to become a skydiver, licensed by the United States Parachute Federation.

Ground Training
The first jump course takes place at our training center at Skydive Chesapeake. This course typically takes 6-8 hours to complete and covers all theoretical and practical training necessary to prepare you for your first solo skydive, including skydiving equipment, aircraft procedures, exit procedures, freefall, deployment, canopy control, and dealing with emergencies.

freefall and parachute training
Once you have met all the prerequisites, you are ready to make your first solo skydive. At first, your instructor will hold onto you in the air, but you will quickly progress. By jump number 4 you will exit the airplane on your own and work on more advanced skills. These skills consist of heading control, turns, instability recovery, flips, relative work, advanced exits, docking, and tracking.
Throughout the program, you will also learn about equipment, parachute packing, aircraft spotting, winds and weather conditions, canopy flight and all the technical aspects you need to know to skydive safely.